Thursday, May 31, 2012

Glen Arbor - the final product part one

Well, as many of you saw from my previous blog post, we are relocating back to the New York area. One of the things we are most sad about leaving behind is our lovely home that we have worked so hard to refurbish and restore.  Funny how it isn't until you're ready to leave that you get everything in tip top shape and take great photos of the space.  Here are some photos from the shoot and that are posted on our home website now.  We hope that the next buyer appreciates our little Eagle's Nest as much as we have.

- photos by Michael McNamara

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Blogger Style Challenge: Belmont Stakes

Lizzy who put together the great Memorial Day outfit last week, is back today with a getup for going to the Belmont Stakes in a few weekends.  Classy, modern, and perfect for a day at the races.

[01] YSL black floppy hat
[02] Madewell Colorcraft Necklace
[03] Madewell Stable Blazer (the name is oddly appropriate)
[04] Banana Republic Lena Sheath dress
[05] Tibi Stella Heel
[06] Gucci Boston Bag

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Wander Lust: W Koh Samui

I have to say I'm not a fan of just cutting and pasting images from someone else to create a blog post. I like to curate or create my own content most of the time. However, these photos of the new W Koh Samui have been circulating around the interwebs and giving me a serious case of wanderlust. They were too incredible not to share.

All images courtesy of Freshhome

Friday, May 25, 2012

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Blogger Style Challenge: Americana Spring

My NY bestie Lizzy put together this great springy outfit perfect for the warmer days that we are now experiencing (anyone up for a clambake and some boating this Memorial Day?):
First get your hair up in a high pony with a blunt bang a la Reese.  Throw on some rolled up boyfriend jeans from Joe Fresh and this Madewell red racerback tank. Then kick around in these Sperry Topsider brooks flats which are perfect for boating (or dress it up with a heel).  If it gets windy on the water, this Banana Republic Dark Wash Denim Blazer does the trick.  And the Cole Haan Village Sheila Cross Body Bag prevents you from dropping any valuables.  Enamel Bracelets top off the look.  And this Anthropologie starlighting scarf keeps your coif in place as your cruise around the sound.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

New Series: Illustrated Etymology: Enfilade

Today I'm starting a new series called Illustrated Etymology where I take a architectural, decor, or design term and tell you about the meaning, provenance and give you a little illustration to go along with it. A little snapshot of some of the things you learn in school but more fun than sitting through a lecture.  Today's word is "Enfilade".
Enfilade refers to a series of rooms or "salons", as they were referred to back in the day, that are  formally aligned with one another. The use of enfilade begain in the Baroque period and was continually used in classical European architecture, especially in the grand palaces and governmental buildings of France and Italy.  Not only are the rooms themselves aligned one after the other on a long central axis, but the doors entering each room are also aligned on this same axis, providing an expansive view through the entire series of rooms. The use of enfilade creates a sense of grandeur and procession and is often an architectural device found in museums and public buildings, easing the movement of large numbers of people from one space into another.Here is an example of enfilade at Versailles.
Can you think of any spaces that you've been in recently that employ this technique?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Artist Profile: Loren Berger

I met photographer Loren Berger a while back when she introduced herself to me as a source for cool art for the hotel projects I work on.  In my industry, most artists come to us by way of art consultants.  Not to insult the creative trades, but as you can imagine, those that live in the right brained world aren't always the best at marketing themselves and doing the business end of running an art business - hence the need for art consultants and galleries. Loren is an anomaly in that she is great at staying in touch and promoting her work.  I love that, but of course, I also LOVE her photography. She has such a great eye for detail and has such a way of finding the unusual in ordinary objects.  I did a little Q&A with Loren recently.

Top: Tibetan Prayer Flags   Bottom: Study of Three Elements

Jess: What are some of the foundations of your inspiration?
Loren: I grew up in a household that was extremely attentive to design. My mother would take any void or empty space and bring to it an unexpected combination of lines, colors, contours or textures. This applied to absolutely everything around me; the surface of a coffee table, a bedspread, the flow of furniture in a room, house plants. Every single element in that house was choreographed.

Jess: So, did this lead you to pursue a career in design?
Loren: No, as I grew up, I developed a disdain for all this attention to stuff and its placements, arrangements. I thought it was supremely trivial. I wanted a sight on tougher subjects: I developed a profession as a journalist and as a legal investigator focusing on political corruption, white-collar crime, corporate fraud, etc.
Jess: What is the connection, if any, between that work history and the photography you’re doing now?
Loren: When I first started photographing about five years ago as a hobby , it quickly became apparent to me that I was using the same skill set I had to practice on the job – that is an intensive study of detail. I am not concerned with the grandiose in photography – a 360-degree panoramic view of a city skyline or a spectacular mountain range at sunset does not appeal to me. If I were to approach a complex investigation looking for a single smoking gun, I would be sure to fail. The process more often involves knitting together a string of lesser details to form a pattern. It is, first off, seeing the significance in the small.

Top: Spring Blooms   Bottom: Untitled

Jess: How would you describe your aesthetics?

Loren: I am most interested in the fundamental; the reduction of a scene into one or two primary details with a palette of two to three colors at the most. This is how I compose my shots in the camera, and this emphasis allows me to think about form/shape, contrast, tone, and negative space. I am compelled as much by these elements of design as by the actual subject of the photograph itself.
Jess: What subjects most often draw your eye?
Loren: Pavement and concrete. I know it is unpopular to say this given the emphasis on green design and eco-friendly materials. I love the light on asphalt in the afternoon.If you spend time with a crack in the sidewalk, you can come to see great elements of harmony and serenity present there; in the contour of line.

Top: "Spring Rain"   Bottom: Random Construction Site Find

Jess: Where would we see your work?

Loren: My images have been installed throughout the public interior spaces of condominium projects in New York and California and have also been specified as guest-room and lobby art in hotels such as the Hilton, Hyatt and InterContinental.

Jess: What has been the biggest surprise for you along this recent road?

Loren: That I have more in common with -- and owe more of a precious debt to -- my mother, who never knew my photographs, than I would have ever believed just a few years ago.

All images courtesy of Loren Berger

Monday, May 21, 2012

Weekend Instagram: Our House

A few instagram photos I took during our twilight photo shoot the other day as we get ready to put the house on the market.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Hardware Update: Tear Sheets Complete!

Many of you have commented on my hardware line and inquired about pricing. I have to thank all of you out there for all of the interest that I've received via other blogs, pinterest etc!  Everyone has been so complementary and encouraging.  A brief update.  I've been prototyping away, and am in the midst of finalizing my e-commerce site.  Most recently we've completed the tear sheets for the first five products (there is one in the transparencies series that is yet to be photographed).  I'm really happy with the way they've turned out and wanted to share with you all (feel free to email me if you want the full sized pdf tear sheets):

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Baby Essentials Part II

A while back I posted about what I thought were our essentials during Bryan's first months of life.  Well now that he's a whopping 6 months old and almost 20 pounds I thought I'd update you all on the items that we can't live without.

[1] Baby Deedee Sleepnest Sleeping Bag- This is a great alternative to the traditional sleep sack. It's warmer, like a comforter for baby that doesn't ride up or have accompanying suffocation risks. But what I love the best about this sleeping bag are the shoulder snaps. You can lay it out in the crib and place your baby onto the sleeping bag.  No need to attempt to cram his arms into the arm holes while he's sucking his thumb.  Just snap the straps up over his shoulders. As simple as it sounds, it's really a a life saver.

[2] City Mini Stroller - Now that Bryan is older we don't use the Snap-n-Go any more. He's just too heavy to be carried around in his car seat. And now that he's awake more and interested in the world around him, front-facing is the way to go.  The City Mini is like the North Face tent of strollers.  It was designed with efficiency and ease in mind.  It literally folds with one hand and one motion and is super compact without being an unsupportive umbrella stroller (which doesn't work for babies that are still so small).  It has an amazing sun shade with little view holes for the parents and reclines really far back, super for on-the-go diaper changes. I'd say the only thing that needs improvement is the size/accessibility of the under-seat compartment.  I wish I could fit my diaper bag in there! Otherwise, it's nearly perfect.

[3] The Iphone - I know it's kind of silly but it really is so essential. I was sort of late to the iphone game, having a blackberry for so long. But I'm so glad I switched when I did.  The iphone is so great for babies. We use our Baby Sign app to teach ourselves and Bryan sign language.  I use my Pleco app to look up Chinese words to use with our nanny.  Instagram is vital for documenting everything that Bryan does in an artful way.  And there are even games for babies and infants that we use and a Pandora station devoted to toddler's nursery rhymes.

[4] Sophie the Giraffe - I don't know what it is about Sophie, but babies love her.  She squeaks and Bryan lights up.  And with all her legs, long neck, pointy ears and snout she is the perfect teething toy.  And it doesn't hurt that she is made of natural materials (rubber from the rubber tree), and is cool and speaks with a French accent.  I think she's Bryan's first crush.

[5] iBoo Ipod Dock -In line with the Iphone mention above, the iBoo ipod dock is such a fun way to incorporate technology into a baby's room.  Great for listening to that nursery rhyme Pandora station and lullabyes when baby is fussing.

[6] Simplehuman Studio Profile Trash Can - I'm not one for using a Diaper Geenie. I feel bad enough that I gave up on cloth diapering and the thought of hermetically sealing all those diapers for posterity is scary to me.  That's why I love this little trash can. It's small enough that you throw the diapers away before they've gotten too stinky. And unlike other Simplehuman trash cans, this one is from Target and is a steal.

[7]  The First Years Milk Storage Organizer - Liquid Gold as they call it.  I thought about listing my Medela Pump In Style as an essential, but I have a love hate relationship with that thing. And let's be honest, the black nylon tote hasn't been in style since Kate Spade made it popular in the nineties.  This handy little milk storage system though hides in your freezer and keeps all of your frozen baggies of milk handy, flattened and organized.  I've used it with both Medela and Lansinoh bags and it works great!

[8] Babymod Park Lane Crib - I bought this crib online from Walmart.  Yes, you read that right... Walmart.  It looks a lot like it's much pricier cousins, and it lowers and turns into a toddler bed like them as well.  AND it has a handy storage drawer that is perfect for linens, sleep sacks, and burp cloths.  I haven't had any problems with it and it is such a great price point for something clean and modern.

[9] Baby Bjorn Potty Chair -As I mentioned above, I've been feeling some remorse about giving up on cloth diapering (Bryan was super sensitive to the wetness and I was changing diapers every half hour to 45 minutes).  EC to the rescue (EC stands for elimination communication which is the PC way of saying Infant Potty Training).  Basically we sit Bryan down on his mini potty whenever he changes his diaper.  I won't bore you with the details, but he pees and poops in his potty and it's not only fun, but it reduces our diaper waste and will hopefully get him truly potty trained much sooner!

[10] Svan Signet High Chair - Now that Bryan is eating solid foods he gets to sit in his high chair with the adults at meal time. We love the Svan. It's compact and stylish (oh, those Swedes!), but unlike Stokke's Trip Trap high chair, it has a tray attachment.  The tray is great because it means Bryan isn't spitting up onto the table or himself or banging his various toys on our furniture (at least for now). I'm sure it will come in handy as he gets older and wants to hold his food himself.  And it gradually adjusts down into a booster chair as he gets bigger.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hello New York!

I took this photo this weekend out on a date for our 8th wedding anniversary. Based on the title of the post, one might think that I took this in Manhattan.  In fact, we were in downtown LA.  We stopped in at Perch for a roof top cocktail, had dinner at Baco Mercat on Main and dessert at Artisan House. That little pocket of Main Street in downtown had a definite New York vibe.  The funny thing is that we seldom go to downtown LA for dinner and we just made a big decision to move back to the East Coast to the NY area. So it seemed ironic that we were just now discovering this New Yorky neighborhood in LA on the cusp of our big move.  It's with mixed emotions that we leave our wonderful house, our amazing nanny, the beautiful LA weather, and all the friends we've made out here (although we know we will continue to see them).  But we're very excited about this next stage and the opportunities that lay ahead.  The Eagle's Nest will still continue as a blog.  Just bear with me as I prep our house for sale, shuttle back and forth between LA and New York and deal with the logistics of moving an entire house, 7 month old baby, cat and cars from one coast to the other.  And as luck would have it one of the places we are considering living in NJ has an "Eagle Rock Reservation" next to it.  Need to find out more, but perhaps it was meant to be!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

LA Blogger Meetup

Better late than never..... A few photos from my Blogger's Meetup from a couple of weekends ago. Here is the original invite that I did combined with the story board my friend Jess created all based around the same theme and color scheme.

And the event:
Bryan made a brief appearance.
There were many amazing treats brought by all.  Home-made scones and mini-bundt cakes anyone?

Here is the lineup of lovely ladies who attended.  And thanks gals for all of the mentions on your blogs!
•Callie of Call me Cal
•Kelly of Crafte Design
•Sarah of Very Sarie
•Amanda of Love Creative Blog
•Theresa of Inspiration Cooperative
•Kelly of Studio DIY
•Jen of Punky and the City
•Irene of Design Stiles
•Elsie of Elauinc

And special thanks to Jessica Houlemard for helping with the decor and florals and Dan Persitz for the photography (and a few I stole from Call me Cal as well :).

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Bathroom Renovation Complete!

So after a month of renovations (that our nanny had to suffer through more than anyone) that including the requisite speed bumps (sconce wiring nightmares, broken toilet tank covers, too many trips to Home Depot etc.), the bathroom is finally complete. I'm really happy with the final result. It pretty much looks like I had imagined.  Being the impatient type I couldn't wait for my own hardware line to be produced so I sprung for these Anthropologie cut glass knobs that have a retro vibe and echo the faceted theme that carries throughout the bath (as much as I hate to admit it Anthro has some nice inexpensive hardware).  I'll just have to use my hardware in the kitchen!  Remember, this is what it looked like before:

And this was the mood board.

 And after.