Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Kitchen Floor

Ah, the saga continues.  Well, while we were gone for Thanksgiving, our GC ripped up our kitchen floor and put down new finished plywood and painted it the specified grey. It looks really nice and clean and doesn't feel like it's going to cave in when you walk on it.   So the plan is to do a stencil on the floor as per my original concept board and give it sort of an antiqued encaustic tile type of look. The idea is that if I antique it, it will look worn and the seams of the plywood will be less obvious (as will any dirt and grime and such).  And I love all those amazing cementitious tiles out there so I'm super excited about this.  The question is whether to go more geometric with a design created from painters tape or to take a stencil and do a little doctoring to make it look like tile.  Of course, I love some of the more intricate designs, but I can't imagine that with a toddler, and a business to run, that I'll have that much time to spend stooped over the floor painting scroll details.

Here are some of my inspirations.
Clockwise from top left: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8

Cutting edge stencils has offered to give me a stencil for the project (and do a giveaway on the blog!) so I'm leaning in that direction. Here are some photoshopped versions of a few of their stencils that I am considering.

The first is the Bazaar Allover Stencil. I like the idea of it but with the coloration doesn't it look a bit mid-century mod?  The second is the Aladdin Allover Stencil.  Definitely a Moroccan feel but it seems too much of a color block effect.  The last is the Moroc-n-Roll Allover Stencil. I'd almost said no to this because of it's tongue-in-cheek name, but I actually think that I like this the best (despite the horribly pixelated attempt at photoshop).  Thoughts? There are so many options on their site that every time I go on there I see another one that strikes my fancy.  I'm in desperate need of someone to help me narrow it down!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Balcony Update

A while ago I posted a concept board that I had done for my friends Kellie and Adam's upstairs balcony.  Here is what it looked like on paper.

And what it looked like before:

Well, the concept is now a reality.  With some planting help from Nancy over at Weeds, Kellie and Adam's barren balcony is now a Tuscan inspired retreat.  What a fun project to design from afar and see implemented so well!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

D Pages: Hardware Roundup

Today I'm over at the D Pages Blog showing off some of my favorite hardware finds.  Hop on over to see where you can find all of these fabulous baubles.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Keaton Row Closet Envy

Today I'm over at Keaton Row again with my second Closet Envy Post. Check it out here and find out where to get all these wonderful items.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

And then there was....


Yes. It's officially here. Time to buy the babe some snow gear and get all of those little gaps around our doors and windows insulated and sealed from the cold air.  I have to count my blessings though.  We made it through the nor'Easter without losing power again and I had the forethought to buy a shovel, scraper and some salt for the stairs and walk.  I wish I'd taken a photo of the winter wonderland this morning.  But it still looks pretty good this afternoon.

And here are a few updated (well, sort of, if a few weeks ago counts as updated) photos of the house.  The various storms have certainly set us back.  But things are moving along gradually. Hope to have the upstairs 100% complete in the next few days and then on to finishing the kitchen and the built-ins.  Sadly, the subfloor in the kitchen which I'd hoped to paint and stencil was rotten so it needs to be ripped up and we will be doing some sort of vinyl or linoleum tile instead.  Not quite as creative, but it'll do the job and not be as expensive as putting down a new wood floor only to paint it again.  Can't wait to share more as it starts to look like a real home.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Stylin' Mammas: Keeping Up with the Hipsters

We finally got around to taking the kiddos to the newly-renovated playground at Dolores Park here in San Francisco a few weeks ago.  One of those rare, idyllic Fall days where the temps hover around 70 and the skies are blue and cloudless.  From the top of Dolores hill you can see the whole city spread out below, and the state-of-the-art play equipment ain't bad either.

The Hipster Quotient is unreasonably high, however.  Price of admission to the playground is approximately one fedora and two pairs of ironically-retro sunglasses per family, with extra-credit given for a reusable Whole Foods bag packed with a GMO-free brunch picnic and/or a cup of Blue Bottle coffee.  This is street style -- the Sunday parenting edition --at its best.  

I am hankering for a good, long pair of high-quality leggings this season to wear under my over-the-knee flat boots. Layers keep it casual -- and keep you cozy.  I will get this in black, too. Worn half-buttoned over a tee for park time, this easy chambray shirt can be dressed up later for work, with a pair of bright cords, a big necklace, and ballet flats.  Brave the urban jungle (gym) with a rugged hat. Jewelry is simple and fuss-free: a necklace with meaning (I wear my kids' initials on charms around my neck), a chunky bracelet...and of course, the requisite sunnies. For snacks and extra layers for little climbers, a reusable bag to die for.

- Jaime

Friday, November 2, 2012

Oh Sandy....

My last post was about Bryan's first birthday party which seems like AGES ago, thanks to our good friend Sandy.  Scott's parents left early last Saturday in anticipation of hurricane Sandy's arrival and we hunkered down Sunday and Monday.  We were expecting something reminiscent of the Pasadena windstorms we endured about a year ago. From inside our house, it felt similar, except this time our power went out and stayed out..... and continues to be out.  And in reality the repercussions have been much much worse.  We have been lucky though, and thanks to some friendly neighbors and a generator, we have been able to stay in Millburn, and stay warm.  We are just now starting to get reconnected to the outside world, and we hope that our power returns on Monday (although who knows when Scott will be able to resume his regular NJT commute into the city). 

Here are some photos from our stroll around our neighborhood the next day (I can only imagine how much worse those on the shore had it).  Those downed power lines are at the end of our block. The poles were literally sheared in half.  What I thought was lightening the night before was actually the substations blowing.  And the block with those four enormous trees down is directly behind our house - a week before I was completely jealous of how shaded and tree-lined that street was.  The night of Sandy, though, I was rejoicing for a front yard free of large trees.

On a positive / side note, I mentioned last week that the living room I designed for friends Kellie and Adam was a finalist in the Apartment Therapy Room for Color Contest. Well, they won!  Check it out here!