Garden Progress

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Some of you have been asking how the garden is looking these days.  It's growing in quite nicely.  Remember what it looked like way back when we planted the herb garden and the back?  Saturday I did some transplanting and trimming.  Here are the herb garden and back garden as they look now.  The front yard needs to grow in a little bit more before we show it off.


  1. Your garden is so fun, I can't wait to plant my veggie garden this year! :-)

    If interested I am having a fun spring swap, come join in!

  2. Looks great! I'm excited for my garden to finish coming together!!!

  3. Wow! Looks great =)

  4. AH! I am so jealous of you house people! I am so ready for a garden it hurts. Just checked with a local community garden and the wait list is 30 people long :( WANH! I want a HOUSE! Phooey.
